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We teach art fundamentals in a modern way
Creative thinking, watercolor, acrylic and oil painting, form analysis, figure drawing, portraits, landscapes, composition, art history, manga, art school portfolio prep.
Draw exactly what you want, the way you want it
Learn to fluently draw any subject from real life or your imagination using any art medium available to you. Learn to take your work from sketch to the final product through a sequence of creative choices. That creative thinking can be applied in other areas of your life.

Create your own original art
Apply art fundamentals you learn with us to your own original ideas without copying the work made by someone else. It will help you to develop a better connection with yourself, know what you want, and how to reach your goals.
Students stay with us for years
We are proud of amazing young artists, designers, and creative thinkers, raised in our studios. Check out the portfolio of Maria Teplova, our dedicated student from age 7 to 18, accepted into the top art colleges of the US.

We are dedicated to providing our students with the most comprehensive, well-rounded, high-quality art learning
Learn about our online class effectiviness and in-person class safety:
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